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149#ifndef JANUS_PLUGIN_H
150#define JANUS_PLUGIN_H
152#include <stdlib.h>
153#include <stdint.h>
154#include <stdio.h>
155#include <string.h>
156#include <ctype.h>
157#include <unistd.h>
158#include <inttypes.h>
160#include <glib.h>
162#include "refcount.h"
192#define JANUS_PLUGIN_INIT(...) { \
193 .init = NULL, \
194 .destroy = NULL, \
195 .get_api_compatibility = NULL, \
196 .get_version = NULL, \
197 .get_version_string = NULL, \
198 .get_description = NULL, \
199 .get_name = NULL, \
200 .get_author = NULL, \
201 .get_package = NULL, \
202 .create_session = NULL, \
203 .handle_message = NULL, \
204 .handle_admin_message = NULL, \
205 .setup_media = NULL, \
206 .incoming_rtp = NULL, \
207 .incoming_rtcp = NULL, \
208 .incoming_data = NULL, \
209 .data_ready = NULL, \
210 .slow_link = NULL, \
211 .hangup_media = NULL, \
212 .destroy_session = NULL, \
213 .query_session = NULL, \
214 ## __VA_ARGS__ }
235/* Use forward declaration to avoid including jansson.h */
236typedef struct json_t json_t;
257 int (* const init)(janus_callbacks *callback, const char *config_path);
259 void (* const destroy)(void);
267 int (* const get_api_compatibility)(void);
269 int (* const get_version)(void);
271 const char *(* const get_version_string)(void);
273 const char *(* const get_description)(void);
275 const char *(* const get_name)(void);
277 const char *(* const get_author)(void);
279 const char *(* const get_package)(void);
284 void (* const create_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle, int *error);
296 struct janus_plugin_result * (* const handle_message)(janus_plugin_session *handle, char *transaction, json_t *message, json_t *jsep);
300 struct json_t * (* const handle_admin_message)(json_t *message);
303 void (* const setup_media)(janus_plugin_session *handle);
307 void (* const incoming_rtp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtp *packet);
311 void (* const incoming_rtcp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtcp *packet);
318 void (* const incoming_data)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_data *packet);
323 void (* const data_ready)(janus_plugin_session *handle);
340 void (* const slow_link)(janus_plugin_session *handle, gboolean uplink, gboolean video);
343 void (* const hangup_media)(janus_plugin_session *handle);
347 void (* const destroy_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle, int *error);
368 int (* const push_event)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin *plugin, const char *transaction, json_t *message, json_t *jsep);
373 void (* const relay_rtp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtp *packet);
377 void (* const relay_rtcp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtcp *packet);
384 void (* const relay_data)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_data *packet);
390 void (* const send_pli)(janus_plugin_session *handle);
396 void (* const send_remb)(janus_plugin_session *handle, guint32 bitrate);
403 void (* const close_pc)(janus_plugin_session *handle);
408 void (* const end_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle);
412 gboolean (* const events_is_enabled)(void);
418 void (* const notify_event)(janus_plugin *plugin, janus_plugin_session *handle, json_t *event);
422 gboolean (* const auth_is_signed)(void);
427 gboolean (* const auth_is_signature_valid)(janus_plugin *plugin, const char *token);
433 gboolean (* const auth_signature_contains)(janus_plugin *plugin, const char *token, const char *descriptor);
437typedef janus_plugin* create_p(void);
612 gboolean video;
614 char *buffer;
616 uint16_t length;
629 char *label;
631 char *protocol;
633 gboolean binary;
635 char *buffer;
637 uint16_t length;
struct json_t json_t
Definition plugin.h:236
janus_plugin_rtp * janus_plugin_rtp_duplicate(janus_plugin_rtp *packet)
Helper method to duplicate the RTP packet and its buffer.
Definition plugin.c:59
Result types.
Definition plugin.h:460
The request was correctly handled and notifications will follow with more info (asynchronous)
Definition plugin.h:466
A severe error happened (not an application level error)
Definition plugin.h:462
The request was correctly handled and a response is provided (synchronous)
Definition plugin.h:464
void janus_plugin_rtp_extensions_reset(janus_plugin_rtp_extensions *extensions)
Helper method to initialise/reset the RTP extensions field.
Definition plugin.c:39
janus_plugin_result * janus_plugin_result_new(janus_plugin_result_type type, const char *text, json_t *content)
Helper to quickly create a janus_plugin_result instance.
Definition plugin.c:20
void janus_plugin_rtp_reset(janus_plugin_rtp *packet)
Helper method to initialise/reset the RTP packet.
Definition plugin.c:53
void janus_plugin_data_reset(janus_plugin_data *packet)
Helper method to initialise/reset the data message.
Definition plugin.c:80
void janus_plugin_rtcp_reset(janus_plugin_rtcp *packet)
Helper method to initialise/reset the RTCP packet.
Definition plugin.c:76
void janus_plugin_result_destroy(janus_plugin_result *result)
Helper to quickly destroy a janus_plugin_result instance.
Definition plugin.c:29
janus_plugin * create_p(void)
The hook that plugins need to implement to be created from the Janus core.
Definition plugin.h:437
Reference counter mechanism.
Callbacks to contact the Janus core.
Definition plugin.h:358
void(*const end_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Callback to ask the core to get rid of a plugin/gateway session.
Definition plugin.h:408
void(*const relay_data)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_data *packet)
Callback to relay SCTP/DataChannel messages to a peer.
Definition plugin.h:384
gboolean(*const events_is_enabled)(void)
Callback to check whether the event handlers mechanism is enabled.
Definition plugin.h:412
void(*const close_pc)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Callback to ask the core to close a WebRTC PeerConnection.
Definition plugin.h:403
gboolean(*const auth_is_signature_valid)(janus_plugin *plugin, const char *token)
Method to check whether a signed token is valid.
Definition plugin.h:427
gboolean(*const auth_signature_contains)(janus_plugin *plugin, const char *token, const char *descriptor)
Method to verify a signed token grants access to a descriptor.
Definition plugin.h:433
int(*const push_event)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin *plugin, const char *transaction, json_t *message, json_t *jsep)
Callback to push events/messages to a peer.
Definition plugin.h:368
void(*const relay_rtcp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtcp *packet)
Callback to relay RTCP messages to a peer.
Definition plugin.h:377
void(*const send_pli)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Helper to ask for a keyframe via a RTCP PLI.
Definition plugin.h:390
void(*const notify_event)(janus_plugin *plugin, janus_plugin_session *handle, json_t *event)
Callback to notify an event to the registered and subscribed event handlers.
Definition plugin.h:418
gboolean(*const auth_is_signed)(void)
Method to check whether the core is using signed tokens.
Definition plugin.h:422
void(*const send_remb)(janus_plugin_session *handle, guint32 bitrate)
Helper to ask for a keyframe via a RTCP PLI.
Definition plugin.h:396
void(*const relay_rtp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtp *packet)
Callback to relay RTP packets to a peer.
Definition plugin.h:373
Janus plugin data message.
Definition plugin.h:627
gboolean binary
Whether the message data is text (default=FALSE) or binary.
Definition plugin.h:633
char * buffer
The message data.
Definition plugin.h:635
char * protocol
The subprotocol this message refers to.
Definition plugin.h:631
char * label
The label this message belongs to.
Definition plugin.h:629
uint16_t length
The message length.
Definition plugin.h:637
Janus plugin result.
Definition plugin.h:470
const char * text
Text associated with this plugin result.
Definition plugin.h:479
json_t * content
Result content.
Definition plugin.h:487
janus_plugin_result_type type
Result type.
Definition plugin.h:472
Janus plugin RTCP packet.
Definition plugin.h:610
uint16_t length
The packet length.
Definition plugin.h:616
char * buffer
The packet data.
Definition plugin.h:614
gboolean video
Whether this is an audio or video RTCP packet.
Definition plugin.h:612
Janus plugin RTP extensions.
Definition plugin.h:555
gboolean video_back_camera
Whether the video orientation extension says this is the back camera.
Definition plugin.h:565
int16_t min_delay
Min and max playout delay, if available; -1 means no extension.
Definition plugin.h:570
int8_t audio_level
Audio level, in DB (0-127, 127=silence); -1 means no extension.
Definition plugin.h:557
int16_t video_rotation
Video orientation rotation (0, 90, 180, 270); -1 means no extension.
Definition plugin.h:562
int16_t max_delay
Definition plugin.h:570
gboolean audio_level_vad
Whether the encoder detected voice activity (part of audio-level extension)
Definition plugin.h:560
gboolean video_flipped
Whether the video orientation extension says it's flipped horizontally.
Definition plugin.h:568
uint8_t dd_content[256]
Dependency Descriptor content.
Definition plugin.h:574
uint8_t dd_len
Length of Dependency Descriptor data, if available.
Definition plugin.h:572
Janus plugin RTP packet.
Definition plugin.h:585
char * buffer
The packet data.
Definition plugin.h:589
janus_plugin_rtp_extensions extensions
RTP extensions.
Definition plugin.h:593
gboolean video
Whether this is an audio or video RTP packet.
Definition plugin.h:587
uint16_t length
The packet length.
Definition plugin.h:591
Plugin-Gateway session mapping.
Definition plugin.h:239
void * gateway_handle
Opaque pointer to the Janus core-level handle.
Definition plugin.h:241
void * plugin_handle
Opaque pointer to the plugin session.
Definition plugin.h:243
volatile gint stopped
Whether this mapping has been stopped definitely or not: if so, the plugin shouldn't make use of it a...
Definition plugin.h:246
janus_refcount ref
Reference counter for this instance.
Definition plugin.h:248
The plugin session and callbacks interface.
Definition plugin.h:252
void(*const destroy)(void)
Plugin deinitialization/destructor.
Definition plugin.h:259
struct janus_plugin_result *(*const handle_message)(janus_plugin_session *handle, char *transaction, json_t *message, json_t *jsep)
Method to handle an incoming message/request from a peer.
Definition plugin.h:296
const char *(*const get_author)(void)
Informative method to request the author of the plugin.
Definition plugin.h:277
void(*const hangup_media)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Callback to be notified about DTLS alerts from a peer (i.e., the PeerConnection is not valid any more...
Definition plugin.h:343
struct json_t *(*const handle_admin_message)(json_t *message)
Method to handle an incoming Admin API message/request.
Definition plugin.h:300
void(*const incoming_rtp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtp *packet)
Method to handle an incoming RTP packet from a peer.
Definition plugin.h:307
void(*const setup_media)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Callback to be notified when the associated PeerConnection is up and ready to be used.
Definition plugin.h:303
int(*const get_version)(void)
Informative method to request the numeric version of the plugin.
Definition plugin.h:269
const char *(*const get_package)(void)
Informative method to request the package name of the plugin (what will be used in web applications t...
Definition plugin.h:279
const char *(*const get_description)(void)
Informative method to request a description of the plugin.
Definition plugin.h:273
int(*const get_api_compatibility)(void)
Informative method to request the API version this plugin was compiled against.
Definition plugin.h:267
void(*const create_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle, int *error)
Method to create a new session/handle for a peer.
Definition plugin.h:284
void(*const destroy_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle, int *error)
Method to destroy a session/handle for a peer.
Definition plugin.h:347
void(*const slow_link)(janus_plugin_session *handle, gboolean uplink, gboolean video)
Method to be notified by the core when too many NACKs have been received or sent by Janus,...
Definition plugin.h:340
const char *(*const get_name)(void)
Informative method to request the name of the plugin.
Definition plugin.h:275
void(*const incoming_rtcp)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_rtcp *packet)
Method to handle an incoming RTCP packet from a peer.
Definition plugin.h:311
json_t *(*const query_session)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Method to get plugin-specific info of a session/handle.
Definition plugin.h:353
int(*const init)(janus_callbacks *callback, const char *config_path)
Plugin initialization/constructor.
Definition plugin.h:257
void(*const data_ready)(janus_plugin_session *handle)
Method to be notified about the fact that the datachannel is ready to be written.
Definition plugin.h:323
void(*const incoming_data)(janus_plugin_session *handle, janus_plugin_data *packet)
Method to handle incoming SCTP/DataChannel data from a peer (text only, for the moment)
Definition plugin.h:318
const char *(*const get_version_string)(void)
Informative method to request the string version of the plugin.
Definition plugin.h:271
Definition refcount.h:78