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janus_ice_component Struct Reference

Janus ICE component. More...

#include <ice.h>

Collaboration diagram for janus_ice_component:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

 Janus ICE stream this component belongs to.
guint stream_id
 libnice ICE stream ID
guint component_id
 libnice ICE component ID
guint state
 libnice ICE component state
gint64 component_connected
 Monotonic time of when this component has successfully connected.
GSList * candidates
 GLib list of libnice remote candidates for this component.
GSList * local_candidates
 GLib list of local candidates for this component (summary)
GSList * remote_candidates
 GLib list of remote candidates for this component (summary)
gchar * selected_pair
 String representation of the selected pair as notified by libnice (foundations)
gboolean process_started
 Whether the setup of remote candidates for this component has started or not.
GSource * icestate_source
 Timer to check when we should consider ICE as failed.
gint64 icefailed_detected
 Time of when we first detected an ICE failed (we'll need this for the timer above)
GSource * dtlsrt_source
 Re-transmission timer for DTLS.
 DTLS-SRTP stack.
gboolean do_audio_nacks
 Whether we should do NACKs (in or out) for audio.
gboolean do_video_nacks
 Whether we should do NACKs (in or out) for video.
GQueue * audio_retransmit_buffer
 List of previously sent janus_rtp_packet RTP packets, in case we receive NACKs.
GQueue * video_retransmit_buffer
GHashTable * audio_retransmit_seqs
 HashTable of retransmittable sequence numbers, in case we receive NACKs.
GHashTable * video_retransmit_seqs
GQueue * nacks_queue
 Helper queue for storing requested packets from NACKs.
guint16 rtx_seq_number
 Current sequence number for the RFC4588 rtx SSRC session.
gint64 retransmit_log_ts
 Last time a log message about sending retransmits was printed.
guint retransmit_recent_cnt
 Number of retransmitted packets since last log message.
gint64 nack_sent_log_ts
 Last time a log message about sending NACKs was printed.
guint nack_sent_recent_cnt
 Number of NACKs sent since last log message.
 List of recently received audio sequence numbers (as a support to NACK generation)
janus_seq_infolast_seqs_video [3]
 List of recently received video sequence numbers (as a support to NACK generation, for each simulcast SSRC)
janus_ice_stats in_stats
 Stats for incoming data (audio/video/data)
janus_ice_stats out_stats
 Stats for outgoing data (audio/video/data)
gboolean noerrorlog
 Helper flag to avoid flooding the console with the same error all over again.
janus_mutex mutex
 Mutex to lock/unlock this component.
volatile gint destroyed
 Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed.
janus_refcount ref
 Reference counter for this instance.

Detailed Description

Janus ICE component.

Field Documentation

◆ audio_retransmit_buffer

GQueue* janus_ice_component::audio_retransmit_buffer

List of previously sent janus_rtp_packet RTP packets, in case we receive NACKs.

◆ audio_retransmit_seqs

GHashTable* janus_ice_component::audio_retransmit_seqs

HashTable of retransmittable sequence numbers, in case we receive NACKs.

◆ candidates

GSList* janus_ice_component::candidates

GLib list of libnice remote candidates for this component.

◆ component_connected

gint64 janus_ice_component::component_connected

Monotonic time of when this component has successfully connected.

◆ component_id

guint janus_ice_component::component_id

libnice ICE component ID

◆ destroyed

volatile gint janus_ice_component::destroyed

Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed.

◆ do_audio_nacks

gboolean janus_ice_component::do_audio_nacks

Whether we should do NACKs (in or out) for audio.

◆ do_video_nacks

gboolean janus_ice_component::do_video_nacks

Whether we should do NACKs (in or out) for video.

◆ dtls

janus_dtls_srtp* janus_ice_component::dtls

DTLS-SRTP stack.

◆ dtlsrt_source

GSource* janus_ice_component::dtlsrt_source

Re-transmission timer for DTLS.

◆ icefailed_detected

gint64 janus_ice_component::icefailed_detected

Time of when we first detected an ICE failed (we'll need this for the timer above)

◆ icestate_source

GSource* janus_ice_component::icestate_source

Timer to check when we should consider ICE as failed.

◆ in_stats

janus_ice_stats janus_ice_component::in_stats

Stats for incoming data (audio/video/data)

◆ last_seqs_audio

janus_seq_info* janus_ice_component::last_seqs_audio

List of recently received audio sequence numbers (as a support to NACK generation)

◆ last_seqs_video

janus_seq_info* janus_ice_component::last_seqs_video[3]

List of recently received video sequence numbers (as a support to NACK generation, for each simulcast SSRC)

◆ local_candidates

GSList* janus_ice_component::local_candidates

GLib list of local candidates for this component (summary)

◆ mutex

janus_mutex janus_ice_component::mutex

Mutex to lock/unlock this component.

◆ nack_sent_log_ts

gint64 janus_ice_component::nack_sent_log_ts

Last time a log message about sending NACKs was printed.

◆ nack_sent_recent_cnt

guint janus_ice_component::nack_sent_recent_cnt

Number of NACKs sent since last log message.

◆ nacks_queue

GQueue* janus_ice_component::nacks_queue

Helper queue for storing requested packets from NACKs.

◆ noerrorlog

gboolean janus_ice_component::noerrorlog

Helper flag to avoid flooding the console with the same error all over again.

◆ out_stats

janus_ice_stats janus_ice_component::out_stats

Stats for outgoing data (audio/video/data)

◆ process_started

gboolean janus_ice_component::process_started

Whether the setup of remote candidates for this component has started or not.

◆ ref

janus_refcount janus_ice_component::ref

Reference counter for this instance.

◆ remote_candidates

GSList* janus_ice_component::remote_candidates

GLib list of remote candidates for this component (summary)

◆ retransmit_log_ts

gint64 janus_ice_component::retransmit_log_ts

Last time a log message about sending retransmits was printed.

◆ retransmit_recent_cnt

guint janus_ice_component::retransmit_recent_cnt

Number of retransmitted packets since last log message.

◆ rtx_seq_number

guint16 janus_ice_component::rtx_seq_number

Current sequence number for the RFC4588 rtx SSRC session.

◆ selected_pair

gchar* janus_ice_component::selected_pair

String representation of the selected pair as notified by libnice (foundations)

◆ state

guint janus_ice_component::state

libnice ICE component state

◆ stream

janus_ice_stream* janus_ice_component::stream

Janus ICE stream this component belongs to.

◆ stream_id

guint janus_ice_component::stream_id

libnice ICE stream ID

◆ video_retransmit_buffer

GQueue * janus_ice_component::video_retransmit_buffer

◆ video_retransmit_seqs

GHashTable * janus_ice_component::video_retransmit_seqs

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: