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sdp-utils.c File Reference

SDP utilities. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "sdp-utils.h"
#include "rtp.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "debug.h"
Include dependency graph for sdp-utils.c:


#define JANUS_BUFSIZE   8192


void janus_sdp_destroy (janus_sdp *sdp)
 Method to destroy a Janus SDP object.
void janus_sdp_mline_destroy (janus_sdp_mline *m)
 Helper method to free a janus_sdp_mline instance.
void janus_sdp_attribute_destroy (janus_sdp_attribute *a)
 Helper method to free a janus_sdp_attribute instance.
janus_sdp_mlinejanus_sdp_mline_create (janus_sdp_mtype type, guint16 port, const char *proto, janus_sdp_mdirection direction)
 Helper method to quickly create a janus_sdp_mline instance.
janus_sdp_mlinejanus_sdp_mline_find (janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type)
 Helper method to get the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type.
int janus_sdp_mline_remove (janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type)
 Helper method to remove the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type from the SDP.
janus_sdp_attributejanus_sdp_attribute_create (const char *name, const char *value,...)
int janus_sdp_attribute_add_to_mline (janus_sdp_mline *mline, janus_sdp_attribute *attr)
 Helper method to add an attribute to a media line.
janus_sdp_mtype janus_sdp_parse_mtype (const char *type)
 Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mtype from a string.
const char * janus_sdp_mtype_str (janus_sdp_mtype type)
 Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mtype value.
janus_sdp_mdirection janus_sdp_parse_mdirection (const char *direction)
 Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mdirection from a string.
const char * janus_sdp_mdirection_str (janus_sdp_mdirection direction)
 Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mdirection value.
janus_sdpjanus_sdp_parse (const char *sdp, char *error, size_t errlen)
 Method to parse an SDP string to a janus_sdp object.
int janus_sdp_remove_payload_type (janus_sdp *sdp, int pt)
 Helper method to quickly remove all traces (m-line, rtpmap, fmtp, etc.) of a payload type.
int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt (janus_sdp *sdp, const char *codec)
 Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec.
int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt_full (janus_sdp *sdp, const char *codec, const char *profile)
 Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec, taking into account a codec profile as a hint as well.
const char * janus_sdp_get_codec_name (janus_sdp *sdp, int pt)
 Helper to get the codec name associated to a specific payload type.
const char * janus_sdp_get_codec_rtpmap (const char *codec)
 Helper to get the rtpmap associated to a specific codec.
const char * janus_sdp_get_fmtp (janus_sdp *sdp, int pt)
 Helper to get the fmtp associated to a specific payload type.
int janus_sdp_get_opusred_pt (janus_sdp *sdp)
 Helper to get the opus/red payload type from an SDP, if present.
char * janus_sdp_write (janus_sdp *imported)
 Method to serialize a janus_sdp object to an SDP string.
void janus_sdp_find_preferred_codecs (janus_sdp *sdp, const char **acodec, const char **vcodec)
 Helper method to return the preferred audio and video codecs in an SDP offer or answer, (where by preferred we mean the codecs we prefer ourselves, and not the m-line SDP order) as long as the m-line direction is not disabled (port=0 or direction=inactive) in the SDP.
void janus_sdp_find_first_codecs (janus_sdp *sdp, const char **acodec, const char **vcodec)
 Helper method to return the first audio and video codecs in an SDP offer or answer, (no matter whether we personally prefer them ourselves or not) as long as the m-line direction is not disabled (port=0 or direction=inactive) in the SDP.
const char * janus_sdp_match_preferred_codec (janus_sdp_mtype type, char *codec)
 Helper method to match a codec to one of the preferred codecs.
janus_sdpjanus_sdp_new (const char *name, const char *address)
 Method to quickly generate a janus_sdp instance from a few selected fields.
janus_sdpjanus_sdp_generate_offer (const char *name, const char *address,...)
 Method to generate a janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments to dictate what to negotiate (e.g., in terms of media to offer, directions, etc.). Variable arguments are in the form of a sequence of name-value terminated by a JANUS_SDP_OA_DONE, e.g.:
janus_sdpjanus_sdp_generate_answer (janus_sdp *offer,...)
 Method to generate a janus_sdp answer to a provided janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments to dictate how to respond (e.g., in terms of media to accept, reject, directions, etc.). Variable arguments are in the form of a sequence of name-value terminated by a JANUS_SDP_OA_DONE, e.g.:


const char * janus_preferred_audio_codecs []
uint janus_audio_codecs = sizeof(janus_preferred_audio_codecs)/sizeof(*janus_preferred_audio_codecs)
const char * janus_preferred_video_codecs []
uint janus_video_codecs = sizeof(janus_preferred_video_codecs)/sizeof(*janus_preferred_video_codecs)

Detailed Description

SDP utilities.

Lorenzo Miniero

Implementation of an internal SDP representation. Allows to parse SDP strings to an internal janus_sdp object, the manipulation of such object by playing with its properties, and a serialization to an SDP string that can be passed around. Since they don't have any core dependencies, these utilities can be used by plugins as well.


Macro Definition Documentation


#define JANUS_BUFSIZE   8192

Function Documentation

◆ janus_sdp_attribute_add_to_mline()

int janus_sdp_attribute_add_to_mline ( janus_sdp_mline * mline,
janus_sdp_attribute * attr )

Helper method to add an attribute to a media line.

[in]mlineThe m-line to add the attribute to
[in]attrThe attribute to add
0 in case of success, -1 otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_attribute_create()

janus_sdp_attribute * janus_sdp_attribute_create ( const char * name,
const char * value,
... )

◆ janus_sdp_attribute_destroy()

void janus_sdp_attribute_destroy ( janus_sdp_attribute * attr)

Helper method to free a janus_sdp_attribute instance.

This method does not remove the attribute from the global or m-line attributes, that's up to the caller
[in]attrThe janus_sdp_attribute instance to free

◆ janus_sdp_destroy()

void janus_sdp_destroy ( janus_sdp * sdp)

Method to destroy a Janus SDP object.

[in]sdpThe Janus SDP object to free

◆ janus_sdp_find_first_codecs()

void janus_sdp_find_first_codecs ( janus_sdp * sdp,
const char ** acodec,
const char ** vcodec )

Helper method to return the first audio and video codecs in an SDP offer or answer, (no matter whether we personally prefer them ourselves or not) as long as the m-line direction is not disabled (port=0 or direction=inactive) in the SDP.

The acodec and vcodec arguments are input/output, and they'll be set to a static value in janus_preferred_audio_codecs and janus_preferred_video_codecs, so don't free them.
[in]sdpThe Janus SDP object to parse
[out]acodecThe audio codec that was found
[out]vcodecThe video codec that was found

◆ janus_sdp_find_preferred_codecs()

void janus_sdp_find_preferred_codecs ( janus_sdp * sdp,
const char ** acodec,
const char ** vcodec )

Helper method to return the preferred audio and video codecs in an SDP offer or answer, (where by preferred we mean the codecs we prefer ourselves, and not the m-line SDP order) as long as the m-line direction is not disabled (port=0 or direction=inactive) in the SDP.

The acodec and vcodec arguments are input/output, and they'll be set to a static value in janus_preferred_audio_codecs and janus_preferred_video_codecs, so don't free them.
[in]sdpThe Janus SDP object to parse
[out]acodecThe audio codec that was found
[out]vcodecThe video codec that was found

◆ janus_sdp_generate_answer()

janus_sdp * janus_sdp_generate_answer ( janus_sdp * offer,
... )

Method to generate a janus_sdp answer to a provided janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments to dictate how to respond (e.g., in terms of media to accept, reject, directions, etc.). Variable arguments are in the form of a sequence of name-value terminated by a JANUS_SDP_OA_DONE, e.g.:

       janus_sdp *answer = janus_sdp_generate_answer(offer,
        JANUS_SDP_OA_AUDIO_CODEC, "opus",

to only accept the audio stream being offered, but as recvonly, use Opus and reject both video and datachannels. Refer to the property names in the header file for a complete list of how you can drive the answer. The default, if not specified, is to accept everything as sendrecv.

[in]offerThe Janus SDP offer to respond to
A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_generate_offer()

janus_sdp * janus_sdp_generate_offer ( const char * name,
const char * address,
... )

Method to generate a janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments to dictate what to negotiate (e.g., in terms of media to offer, directions, etc.). Variable arguments are in the form of a sequence of name-value terminated by a JANUS_SDP_OA_DONE, e.g.:

       janus_sdp *offer = janus_sdp_generate_offer("My session", "",
        JANUS_SDP_OA_AUDIO_PT, 100,
        JANUS_SDP_OA_AUDIO_CODEC, "opus",

to only offer a sendonly Opus audio stream being offered with 100 as payload type, and avoid video and datachannels. Refer to the property names in the header file for a complete list of how you can drive the offer. The default, if not specified, is to offer everything, using Opus with pt=111 for audio, VP8 with pt=96 as video, and data channels, all as sendrecv.

[in]nameThe session name (if NULL, a default value will be set)
[in]addressThe IP to set in o= and c= fields (if NULL, a default value will be set)
A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_get_codec_name()

const char * janus_sdp_get_codec_name ( janus_sdp * sdp,
int pt )

Helper to get the codec name associated to a specific payload type.

sdpThe Janus SDP instance to process
ptThe payload type to find
The codec name, if found, or NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_get_codec_pt()

int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt ( janus_sdp * sdp,
const char * codec )

Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec.

This version doesn't involve profiles, which means that in case of multiple payload types associated to the same codec because of different profiles (e.g., VP9 and H.264), this will simply return the first payload type associated with it the codec itself.
sdpThe Janus SDP instance to process
codecThe codec to find, as a string
The payload type, if found, or -1 otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_get_codec_pt_full()

int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt_full ( janus_sdp * sdp,
const char * codec,
const char * profile )

Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec, taking into account a codec profile as a hint as well.

The profile will only be used if the codec supports it, and the core is aware of it: right now, this is only VP9 and H.264. If the codec is there but the profile is not found, then no payload type is returned.
sdpThe Janus SDP instance to process
codecThe codec to find, as a string
profileThe codec profile to use as a hint, as a string
The payload type, if found, or -1 otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_get_codec_rtpmap()

const char * janus_sdp_get_codec_rtpmap ( const char * codec)

Helper to get the rtpmap associated to a specific codec.

codecThe codec name, as a string (e.g., "opus")
The rtpmap value, if found (e.g., "opus/48000/2"), or -1 otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_get_fmtp()

const char * janus_sdp_get_fmtp ( janus_sdp * sdp,
int pt )

Helper to get the fmtp associated to a specific payload type.

sdpThe Janus SDP instance to process
ptThe payload type to find
The fmtp content, if found, or NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_get_opusred_pt()

int janus_sdp_get_opusred_pt ( janus_sdp * sdp)

Helper to get the opus/red payload type from an SDP, if present.

sdpThe Janus SDP instance to process
The payload type, if found, or -1 otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_match_preferred_codec()

const char * janus_sdp_match_preferred_codec ( janus_sdp_mtype type,
char * codec )

Helper method to match a codec to one of the preferred codecs.

Don't free the returned value, as it's a constant value
[in]typeThe type of media to match
[in]codecThe codec to match
The codec, if found, or NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_mdirection_str()

const char * janus_sdp_mdirection_str ( janus_sdp_mdirection direction)

Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mdirection value.

[in]directionThe direction to stringify
The direction as a string, if valid, or NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_mline_create()

janus_sdp_mline * janus_sdp_mline_create ( janus_sdp_mtype type,
guint16 port,
const char * proto,
janus_sdp_mdirection direction )

Helper method to quickly create a janus_sdp_mline instance.

The type_str property of the new m-line is created automatically depending on the provided type attribute. If type is JANUS_SDP_OTHER, though, type_str will NOT we allocated, and will be up to the caller.
[in]typeType of the media (audio/video/application) as a janus_sdp_mtype
[in]portPort to advertise
[in]protoProfile to advertise
[in]directionDirection of the media as a janus_sdp_direction
A pointer to a valid janus_sdp_mline instance, if successful, NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_mline_destroy()

void janus_sdp_mline_destroy ( janus_sdp_mline * mline)

Helper method to free a janus_sdp_mline instance.

This method does not remove the m-line from the janus_sdp instance, that's up to the caller
[in]mlineThe janus_sdp_mline instance to free

◆ janus_sdp_mline_find()

janus_sdp_mline * janus_sdp_mline_find ( janus_sdp * sdp,
janus_sdp_mtype type )

Helper method to get the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type.

This currently returns the first m-line of the specified type it finds: in general, it shouldn't be an issue as we currently only support a single stream of the same type per session anyway... this will need to be fixed in the future.
[in]sdpThe Janus SDP object to search
[in]typeThe type of media to search
The janus_sdp_mline instance, if found, or NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_mline_remove()

int janus_sdp_mline_remove ( janus_sdp * sdp,
janus_sdp_mtype type )

Helper method to remove the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type from the SDP.

This currently removes the first m-line of the specified type it finds: in general, it shouldn't be an issue as we currently only support a single stream of the same type per session anyway... this will need to be fixed in the future.
[in]sdpThe Janus SDP object to modify
[in]typeThe type of media to remove
0 if successful, a negative integer otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_mtype_str()

const char * janus_sdp_mtype_str ( janus_sdp_mtype type)

Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mtype value.

[in]typeThe type to stringify
The type as a string, if valid, or NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_new()

janus_sdp * janus_sdp_new ( const char * name,
const char * address )

Method to quickly generate a janus_sdp instance from a few selected fields.

This allocates the o_addr, s_name and c_addr properties: if you want to replace them, don't forget to g_free the original pointers first.
[in]nameThe session name (if NULL, a default value will be set)
[in]addressThe IP to set in o= and c= fields (if NULL, a default value will be set)
A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_parse()

janus_sdp * janus_sdp_parse ( const char * sdp,
char * error,
size_t errlen )

Method to parse an SDP string to a janus_sdp object.

[in]sdpThe SDP string to parse
[in,out]errorBuffer to receive a reason for an error, if any
[in]errlenThe length of the error buffer
A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise; in case of errors, if provided the error string is filled with a reason

◆ janus_sdp_parse_mdirection()

janus_sdp_mdirection janus_sdp_parse_mdirection ( const char * direction)

Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mdirection from a string.

[in]directionThe direction to parse as a string (e.g., "sendrecv")
The corresponding janus_sdp_mdirection value

◆ janus_sdp_parse_mtype()

janus_sdp_mtype janus_sdp_parse_mtype ( const char * type)

Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mtype from a string.

[in]typeThe type to parse as a string (e.g., "audio")
The corresponding janus_sdp_mtype value

◆ janus_sdp_remove_payload_type()

int janus_sdp_remove_payload_type ( janus_sdp * sdp,
int pt )

Helper method to quickly remove all traces (m-line, rtpmap, fmtp, etc.) of a payload type.

[in]sdpThe janus_sdp object to remove the payload type from
[in]ptThe payload type to remove
0 in case of success, a negative integer otherwise

◆ janus_sdp_write()

char * janus_sdp_write ( janus_sdp * sdp)

Method to serialize a janus_sdp object to an SDP string.

[in]sdpThe janus_sdp object to serialize
A pointer to a string with the serialized SDP, if successful, NULL otherwise

Variable Documentation

◆ janus_audio_codecs

uint janus_audio_codecs = sizeof(janus_preferred_audio_codecs)/sizeof(*janus_preferred_audio_codecs)

◆ janus_preferred_audio_codecs

const char* janus_preferred_audio_codecs[]
Initial value:
= {
"opus", "multiopus", "pcmu", "pcma", "g722", "isac16", "isac32"

◆ janus_preferred_video_codecs

const char* janus_preferred_video_codecs[]
Initial value:
= {
"vp8", "vp9", "h264", "av1", "h265"

◆ janus_video_codecs

uint janus_video_codecs = sizeof(janus_preferred_video_codecs)/sizeof(*janus_preferred_video_codecs)